Did Black Lives Matter kill Darren Seals?

When Mike Brown was murdered, who was by his mother’s (Lesley McSpadden) side? Darren Seals was. In the aftermath, who was standing by Mike Brown’s father’s (Michael Brown Sr.) side? Darren Seals was. He was the type of person that put his own money up to prepare children for school in his community. He exemplifies the meaning of the term hero.

Anti-Black Lives Matter

Many media outlets and the people reading them are confusing Darren with being a Black Lives Matter member and I’m here to correct that. In fact, he was adamantly anti-Black Lives Matter. Or Blacks LIES Matter as he liked to call them. He coined the term ‘ACTORVISTS’ which became popular when referring to Black Lives Matter associates.

Let it be known that Darren actually slapped Deray, the perceived leader of Black Lives Matter. According to Darren, Deray and his cohorts, hijacked the REAL Ferguson movement and took credit for the work done by Ferguson citizens, which included Darren. Black Lives Matter was being backed by billionaire George Soros and Darren was rigorously using his social media to shed light on that. Is there a motive for murder here?

Darren would be furious to know that in his death, people associated him with Black Lives Matter. Please do all you can to make media correct this mistake where you see it. I’m absolutely postive that’s what he would want.


Currently, his account is being censored by Twitter. I signed on with another account and his media was marked as “sensitive material”. I had to click every tweet to view a photo or video because they were blocked. Why? Is it because he had a vendetta against Deray, who happens to be a close friend to Jack Dorsey (Founder of Twitter)? Could be.


According to the reports I saw, Darren was shot once and found in a car engulfed in flames. This leads me to believe that this was an assassination from close-range execution style.

The local Fire Department outed the flames and the local police were on the scene. Considering the fact that local police and Darren were at odds, (as evidenced by his tweet below) I’m going to guess that evidence was destroyed and/or a proper investigation will not be conducted. Somebody put a hit out on Darren and there will be a cover up.

I think it’s important to add that DeAndre Joshua, a witness in the Mike Brown murder, was killed in a similar manner. Shot in the head, left in a car set ablaze. According to friends, DeAndre was one of the anonymous witnesses that was telling the “truth” about Mike Brown’s case, to the police. Is there a link here? Are the people surrounding the death of Mike Brown being systematically murdered?

Don’t expect a Black Lives Matter parade for Darren. When black lives that are at odds with the Black Lives Matter ideology, there is no remorse. Those black lives don’t matter. If the black life is not at the hands of police brutality, there will be no fuss from them.

I personally and regretfully must admit that I do not expect to see any justice for Darren and expect to see many holes in a lackluster investigation.

One thing is for certain. I’ll remember Darren and what he stood for. The citizens of Ferguson know him and know what he stood for. And he will not be forgotten. His work will continue on through me and others.

Watch Darren Seals detail how Black Lives Matter hijacked the Ferguson movement



4 Responses

  1. I remember someone named Brittany, I guess a prominent member of BLM saying she couldn’t wait until “We drag Darren Seals in the streets…” I’ll say I’m paraphrasing, but it was something very similar. I bet his murder gets called a homicide and no witnesses are speaking up. This is foul man…

  2. IMO a “Protest”for “BLM”does not a parade make. If you read the article it clearly states that Mr Seals believed that BLM was hijacked. Big Money Soros playin us all.

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