Dear Racist White Liberal Journalists & Media

Yesterday, one of your white liberal media “journalists”, from The New Yorker, contacted me in regards to racism within the TPUSA organization.
Here’s what the guy wrote:
Hi, I am a staff writer at The New Yorker magazine. I’m writing an article about allegations of racism within Turning Point USA, and I’m looking for prominent conservatives to comment on the situation. Do you have ten minutes to talk by phone? I can explain more about the story.

The New Yorker

Obviously, they want to write another smear article.
You people believe that because the Hotep Jesus brand had a falling out with TPUSA, I would have some animosity towards them — which you could exploit for your own twisted agenda.
Sorry, but TPUSA was never that important in my life to care that much.
The fact that you think you can pull this on me, leaves a trail of racism that stinks worse than an animal farm. Pun intended!
You think I’s a dumb negro and I should be grateful that massa wanna show me off to him friends — to push your pernicious political agenda.
But that’s not what upsets me…
I am a 3-time tech startup founder — in the Bitcoin, crypto, and FINTECH space. I’m also a published author and coach for new entrepreneurs.
Usually, you like to play the diversity card and say, “Look at this bright and talented black individual”.
If I were a Black Liberal Democrat, you’d call me “the future of blacks in tech” or some other catchphrase to pat me on the head.
But since you know that my views lean conservative, you don’t want to have anything to do with me. I don’t fit your agenda.
You’re not journalists. You’re propagandists!
Journalism gets banned from the internet and erased from history books, then painted over with “newspeak” to push Big Brother’s agenda.
I’ll have none of it. I won’t be a pawn for your weak agenda. I will not allow myself to be USED by people with a history of deceit.
The fact that you think I would do so is an insult to my intelligence — which therefore I will interpret as racist!
Show some respect. Call me when you want to talk about Hotep Nation, my companies, my books, or my life.
Don’t call me when you want to be a little bitch on the internet.
With no love,
Bryan Sharpe aka Hotep Jesus

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